Hello, Stranger!

Migration is a hot theme today because hey, man is a migratory species. We have the natural tendency to move around.

“To those who disagree I ask why would they leave the very room where they were born, because I believe leaving an hospital, crossing the street and entering a park is just like leaving a state, crossing the boarder and entering another state.

“Everybody should be able to do that without getting a bullet in the back. In this film, five anti-heroes go on a crusade to stop the invasion, but there is redemption in the end. Hey, Stranger!”

Written and directed by Matteo Di Gioia

VFX Supervisor – Luis Felipe Bueno

Editing and animation – The Jack Stupid

Sound Design – Christian “Sadbrodino” Gramaglia

Illustration – 42 DPI Tommaso Guarino Tommaso Bonetti Fabio Sabatino Davide Mandini Simone Fuso

DoP – Stefano Brandolini

DoP assistant – Bartolomeo Balleggi

Assistant Director – Stefano Galli

Line production – Destrage

Production design – Francesco Cazzaniga

Backstage – Pietro Forino

Thanks to Anna Troccoli, Attilio Paulovich, Fabio Consonni, Bianka Schurina, Giovanna Rondinone, Rossano & Choice Cafè